Vacanze Italiane

Viaggio nel tempo tra mode e miti

Paolo Casti presents “Italian Holidays – Summer Party” at the Teatro Smeraldo in Milan.

Programming for Summer. Outdoor advertising is an ideal advertising medium for intercepting Italians during the holiday season.

Italy Outdoor, the leading poster company in Italy with a market share of over 35%, has defined programming for Summer with products designed to follow vehicle and pedestrian flows in accordance with distribution logics coinciding with the routes and consumption in Summer.
A large-scale logistical undertaking yet above all studies and research launched in Spring last year following a schedule that can be summarized in three main stages:

The first stage involved observation of the holiday phenomenon, where Italians go, how they travel and the most popular routes.

To do this, we decided to travel over the 3500 km of linked itineraries preferred by traveling Italians, known to us above all thanks to monitoring by “Società Autostrade”.
We discovered the Italy of holidays, the Italy of Italians who, setting off from cities, travel along the coasts or rolling hills, looking for something new, enjoyment and entertainment.
—Paolo Casti

The second stage involved investigating behavior patterns, lifestyles and consumption in Italian cities.

Enrico Finzi with Astra Demoscopea interviewed 1,600 representative subjects in five metropolitan areas. This research provided useful information for completing the analytical framework of movements, routes and consumption of Italians during the Summer.

The third stage was to summarize results.

We used this information in the closing stage to compile new products by designing in harmony with vehicle and pedestrian flows during the Summer season.

It was a demanding task with an important goal: convincing Advertisers to consider outdoor advertising as the strategic medium during Summer.
An original and innovative opportunity, available within a media scenario that is destined to change even in Italy.
—Paolo Casti

Paolo Casti – Italy Outdoor

Paolo Casti – Italy Outdoor (Moderator)
Enrico Finzi – Astra Ricerche
Felice Lioy – Upa
